Online Remote Training with Alfonso

Online Remote Training
with Alfonso

How it works


Initial Consultation With Alfonso

Begin your FitWithAlf journey with an initial consultation where Alfonso will dive deep into your goals, lifestyle, and personal preferences. This essential step ensures your plan is perfectly tailored to you.


Custom Training Programme by Alfonso

Benefit from a bespoke training programme crafted by Alfonso, designed to fit your life whether you're exercising at home or in the gym. Suitable for all fitness levels, Alfonso's plans are built for progress and adaptability.


Nutrition and Supplement Guidance

Alfonso will provide you with personalized nutrition and supplement advice, creating a balanced approach to fuel your body and complement your training for optimal results.


Weekly Check-Ins With Alfonso

Stay motivated and on track with weekly check-ins from Alfonso. These sessions allow for adjustments to your plan as needed and offer you the encouragement to keep moving forward.


24/7 WhatsApp Support

Whether you need advice on workouts, nutritional guidance, or motivation to stay on track, Alfonso is available 24/7 on WhatsApp.

Choose Your Path to
Success with

At FitWithAlf, we believe in empowering you to reach your fitness goals with a personalized, supportive approach. Led by Alfonso, our dedicated personal trainer, we're here to guide you through every step of your journey towards a healthier, stronger you. Discover the perfect plan for your fitness aspirations and lifestyle, and let's make your goals a reality together.

Beginner Program



Billed annually

Kickstart your fitness journey with tailored workouts and basic nutrition advice. Stay on track with bi-weekly coaching sessions and daily support.

Detailed Initial Consultation
Customised Beginner Workout Program
Basic Nutrition and Supplement Advice
Weekly 30-minute Virtual Coaching Sessions
Daily Progress check-in

24-Week Ultimate Transformation



Billed annually

Experience elite-level training and nutrition guidance customized to your goals. Enjoy weekly coaching sessions, daily check-ins, and advanced performance testing for optimal results.

Detailed Initial Consultation
Personalised Elite Training Program
Advanced Nutrition and supplementation Plan
Weekly 60-minute Virtual Coaching Sessions
Daily Progress check-in
Advanced Performance Testing for Optimal Results

Contact FitWithAlf today to select the plan that's right for you, and take the first step towards a fitter, healthier you.

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The fastest way to get in touch



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Book Your Free Consultation:

Professional and utilises a scientific approach to training.

Henry Smith

Professional and utilises a scientific approach to training

Henry Smith

He immediately understood what I was trying to achieve.

Gavin Kemp

Intensive and well-targeted training sessions for a busy person like me.

Doncho Donchev

No words to describe how professional
Alf Is he is so helpful!

Susana Rubio Lavin

He got me into a habit of working out every
week and eating healthier.

Can Yasti

If you want to be pushed hard to meet
your training goals, he'll do it!

John Simmons

Alfonso is the best personal
trainer I have ever had.

David Forbes

He took the time to understand my goals
for long lasting results!

Emily Ferguson

He is a very nice guy
but also ready to push & encourage.

Stuart McAlpine

Constantly lost weight under his tutelage,
would recommend.

La Vitesse


Get to
know me.

Since my teenage years, physical excellence has always been my passion.

Over the years, I have studied and tried many strategies to achieve it, realizing that the journey itself is as valuable as the destination and that having a structurally sound plan in place is of paramount importance.

Therefore, I am confident in stating that with my knowledge and first-hand experience, I will guide you to reach your goals faster and injury-free by creating bespoke programs tailored to your personal needs and current limitations.

With over 10 years of training and coaching experience, I have developed a tested, results-based method. My clients' results and feedback have proven its efficacy.

Let me help you unlock the fittest version of yourself.